The beginning of literacy is carried out in the Early Childhood Education stage, which begins at 3 years of age. In this stage, a first contact with writing is made, which does not necessarily imply that at the end of the process the child knows how to read and write, but he will be able to make lines, he will have become familiar with pencils, crayons or pens and will have acquired skill with hands. You will also be able to draw and recognize some letters and even some words as your name.
Teachers, educators and parents, we hope that this educational material will be very useful when it comes to introducing new knowledge to the little ones since it is very important to give them new knowledge every day and develop them to their best abilities.
Maestros esperamos que este material educativo les sea de mucha utilidad a la hora de dar a conocer nuevos aprendizajes a los pequeños y también les pedimos compartir este material educativo con sus colegas y seguir a la pagina para mas materiales educativos, el link de descarga se encuentra al final de este post GRACIAS.
Actividades didactivas para desarrollar la motricidad fina en todos los grados preescolar