Hola y bienvenidos maestros educadores el dia de hoy les traemos este estupendo material educativo donde los niños aprenderan y desarrollaran sus actividades cognitivas las matematicas en preescolar y primer grado sera de mucha utilidad desarrollar este material ya que es interactivo.
What is Mathematics
The etymology of the word mathematics refers to the Greek mathema, which can be translated as "study of a subject." It is defined as the formal and exact science that, based on the principles of logic, studies the properties and relationships that are established between abstract entities. This concept of ‘abstract entities’ includes numbers, symbols and geometric figures, among others.
The field of study of mathematics was changing over time: until the nineteenth century it was limited to the study of quantities and spaces, but with scientific advances, fields of mathematics that exceeded these two began to appear, which required its re definition.
Mathematics is closely related to other sciences. First, it relies primarily on logic and its strategies for proof and inference. This is why mathematics is an objective science: it can only be modified by demonstrating the existence of mathematical errors, for which a large part of the scientific paradigm with which we are working will surely have to be modified.
The method then lies in analyzing these abstract entities to produce hypotheses and conjectures, make deductions, and thus approach mathematical knowledge, which, as has been said, is assumed to be accurate and true. These deductions are carried out with the support of definitions (limitations of something with respect to everything else) and axioms (premises accepted without the need for a proof).
Mathematics is the science of structure, order, and repeating patterns that relies on counting, measuring, and describing shapes. Its object of study are the magnitudes, quantities and their changes in time and space.
In the words of the Spanish mathematician and scientific communicator Clara Grima:
"Mathematics is (...) a game, a wonderful and powerful game: it is what it has to be. It is the language that describes our world, it is a way of reasoning with logic and elegance. It is the way of understanding our universe. . "
Numbers are the basis of mathematics, an invention of humans for the purpose of counting objects. The decimal system that we use today has its origins in India, although they were made known by the Arabs.
Geometric structures, shapes and constructions:
The ancient Greek mathematicians were mainly interested in the study of geometric properties. Concepts such as line, point, circumference, polygons and angles, among others, are widely used in geometry.
In mathematics, one of the most interesting objects of study are games and sports. For example, mathematicians C.M. Tran and L.M. Silverberg studied the trajectories of free throws in the game of basketball, getting the best conditions.
Cuaderno con actividades de PRE-MATEMATICAS