Cuaderno de comunicacion para desarrollar con niños de 4 años - libro imprimible

Communication is called communication to a generally active and reciprocal process of transmission of information and concepts, through an ordered system and a physical channel arranged for it.

All living beings communicate, but they do not do so through the same method, or with the same level of complexity.

Linguistic communication, for example, is unique to human beings.

Communication between living beings represents a very important aspect of life, since it allows them a certain margin of social organization or interactions.

For example, the female and the male communicate during courtship, the insects of the same hive to attack the common enemy, and the young that ask the mother for food.

In human hands, communication has reached unprecedented levels, through artificial systems and codes, which allow it to overcome distances and times, or to develop highly complex models of understanding and organization.

For the communication process to be carried out, the aforementioned elements must be available in optimal conditions.

For example, the channel must be clear, the code must be of mutual knowledge between the interlocutors and the sender and receiver must take turns in these roles, being able to later exchange them so that communication is two-way.

Like any process, communication involves an investment of energy, time, and effort, and usually occurs at a specific time and location.

 Cuaderno de comunicacion para desarrollar con niños de 4 años - libro imprimible