teachers, educators and parents, today we share this interactive
educational material where children can develop reading and writing by
solving the alphabet soup, they will learn new words and recognize
objects for their writing.
material will help a lot in the cognitive and motor development of the
little ones since when developing they will use their previous learning
to be able to develop them, the children will have fun and learn a lot
also this brings coloring pictures to make learning more fun.
educational material is for use by parents who want to improve their
learning in their children since at home they develop in a more
liberated way and with the help of the family they will grasp things
faster and will not have difficulties for the next learning.
hope that this educational material will be useful for parents and
teachers since daily education is developing and thanks to the internet
is available to everyone, we ask teachers to share this educational
material and continue to the page for more materials educational.